Valencia CF flies on biofuel. The team is the protagonist of the first flight to be made by Air Nostrum with Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).
Both entities have a close and long-standing relationship and proof of this is the 100th anniversary themed plane of Valencia CF with which the team flies regularly and which will be the first biofuel-powered flight.
Air Nostrum (the team's regular carrier) and Valencia CF agreed that this would be the first time they would use this biofuel, which uses a mixture made from plant-based materials.
This Seville-Valencia trip will be one of the first in Spain to use this type of fuel, which represents a commitment to more sustainable flights.
The Air Nostrum CRJ1000 that will transport the Valencian team will take off after refuelling by Avikor, the Exolum platform that offers the possibility of reducing emissions from commercial flights. Avikor supplies a compound of JET A-1 and SAF, the fuel whose full life-cycle emissions represent an 80% reduction.
The final blend has been analysed in the laboratories of origin and also in those of Exolum, meeting the quality specification required for this fuel, with the SAF component certified as a sustainable fuel, according to the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) scheme recognised by the European Union.
With 75,507 flights and 5.2 million passengers a year, Air Nostrum is the leading regional aviation company in Spain and one of the largest European airlines in its class. It operates for the Iberia Group under the Iberia Regional Air Nostrum brand, has a turnover of more than 501 million euros and employs around 1,400 people.
Avikor is Exolum's platform that offers individuals and companies the possibility of using sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on their flights, considerably reducing polluting emissions. The main objective of this initiative is to universally promote a more sustainable way of flying, since, by analysing its life cycle, SAF has been shown to reduce carbon emissions by up to 80%.